
About our mission

To save people's lives by creating high-quality, modern and reliable medical tools and first aid.


Yellow and Blue tourniquet harness structure

1. Fixing agent for the handle 1.

● 2. Aluminum handle.

● 3.Fixing agent for the handle 2.

● 4.Steel hook for fixing the buckle.

5. A metal buckle with a one-way slide that has a hard locking effect.

 6. Belt tape made of polyamide material with high tensile strength.

● 7. Time-tag for convenient recording of overlay time


Anatomy of a Yellow and Blue tourniquet harness


01 Aluminum handle

Thanks to the use of high-quality materials, it was possible to significantly strengthen the structure of the turnstile harness.And this is a sign that our product has become more reliable. All tests prove that our technology is reliable and durable.


02 Locking triangle 1

The welded steel locking triangle ensures a stable fixation of the loop, and makes it impossible to relax the pressure after the 2nd round


03 Locking triangle 2

The welded steel locking triangle ensures a stable fixation of the loop, and makes it impossible to relax the pressure after the 2nd round.


04 Strong hook

This hook is designed to prevent the buckle from unfastening.We tested a large number of all possible technologies, but this principle of operation turned out to be the most reliable.


05 Metal buckle

Thanks to the technology of one-way sliding, it was possible to get rid of the arbitrary movement of the compression tape. Thanks to its reliable design, the buckle does not allow the pressure of the tourniquet harness to be relaxed.


06 Belt for compression

A reliable tape, with a personal type of weaving, which guarantees a strong compression during the use of a tourniquet harness. This tape allows for smooth sliding through the buckle, and prevents the tourniquet harness from loosening the pressure force during application.


07 Time - tag

The time tag, created for convenient recording of the time of applying the tourniquet to the limb, is an integral element of this product. The time of overlay is one of the important and consistent elements in overlay.


08 Fittings

According to the philosophy of our company - to produce really high-quality and reliable medical products.In principle, this tourniquet harness does not have any plastic part of the fittings, we use only metal!  


09 Dimensions

We managed to make this tourniquet harness weigh just 120 grams, a whopping 24 grams less than the SOFTT-Wide Gen4(144 grams).The overall dimensions of the Yellow and Blue tourniquet harness are as follows:Length 100 cmThe width of the plot - 5 cmThe length of the plate -19 cmThe width of the tension tape is 38 mmThe length of the collar13 cm 

Research on the Doppler apparatus

Stoppage of bleeding on the lower limb

Stoppage of bleeding on the upper limb

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Viktor Appolonov

Expert in testing hemostatic tourniquets TQ EXPERT

After a relatively long period of studying a candidate for hemostatic tourniquets, I want to recommend a tourniquet from the manufacturer Yellow&Blue.Engineering and practical studies were carried out under ultrasound control, on a group of volunteers (9 people) of different genders and limb sizes.The tourniquet is a tool built on the basis of the American hemostatic tourniquet SOFTT-W.At the same time, the design was significantly improved, which made it a separate, unique product.Design improvements allowed for improved turnstile performance compared to the SOFTT-W Gen 5 under the same usage scenarios. Namely: lower extremity, tightening of the first round on the outer side of the thigh.Like SOFTT-W Gen 5, Yellow&Blue remains particularly sensitive to the quality of the first round. But, due to the two-dimensional sling, the force that needs to be applied to the turnbuckle to achieve the required overlap pressure is reduced. It also had a positive effect on the possibility of starting the first half-turn of the turn, which is critical in the case of self-help with one, upper limb when overlapping the lower.On complex lower limbs, the number of rotations of the loop before achieving occlusion of the main vessels is 5 half-turns. At the same time, the possibility of adequate fixation of the turnstile collar remains.The fittings are completely metal, which prevents the tool from breaking under the influence of high pressure levels. The use of a wide sling has a positive effect on the level of secondary injuries.When applied to a limb in clothes or to bare skin, there are no critical pinches of any kind, which can lead to disruption of the blood supply to the injured areas and their subsequent necrotization.



Head of the Union of Paramedics of Ukraine
emergency medicine doctor. Management specialist in the security system


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